作者: 祝红亮 发行版本: 1
更新日期: 2008-05-30
词条总数: 17859 推荐: 4
莎士比亚词典针对需要阅读莎士比亚戏剧的读者, 这部莎士比亚词典纸版书, 是一百年前一位德国人编写而成, 也是目前最为权威的专业莎士比亚词典. 经过数字化编辑, 用户可以在Lingoes上使用这部莎士比亚词典, 而不用翻阅纸版书(2000页,并且已经绝版).
Mr.Schmit developed the Shakespeare lexicon in the late 19th century, which has been published for more than one hundred years. However, to this day, it still to be regarded as the greatest Shakespeare lexicon of all. Thence, it seemed to be very necessary to let the classical Shakespeare lexicon digitaled, so that a common Shakespeare fan can easily read the classical drama by its assistant. When I am reading the drama such as a midsummer night's dream by Shakespeare, I usually fall into trouble that many words have strange meaning which are quite different from its modern meaning. The most serious things are that some words can't be searched even by Oxford English dictionary. I think you will be same as me, undertaking the same arduous journey when you are reading an ancient drama by Shakespeare or others. Although the special dictionary like above "the Shakespeare lexicon" dictionary has been published, reading the dictionary to search a word is a physical sport. That's motivation why I developed this digital dictionary.