This Latin-English dictionary contains almost 40,000 entries, each of which includes a reference every possible inflected form. As a result, this dictionary is capable of correctly identifying several hundred thousand Latin words.
This is the first and only English-Chinese Hong Kong legal dictionary with references to local authorities. This dictionary which contains nearly 9000 words and phrases provides a comprehensive starting point for legal research, containing necessary hints and catchwords for further analysis through the other research tools. Legal practitioners and academics will find this work handy and useful.
Lingoes English to Urdu Dictionary provides meanings of common English words, phrases, idioms and abbreviations terms into Urdu. It is the most comprehensive English to Urdu Dictionaary in Urdu script for Lingoes.
In this version of Persian-English dictionary: 1- You can use the LINKED LIST. It's nice! 2- farsi words have been revised 3- parenthesis are almost free of wrong
English translation to Indonesian with source from one word and from several word. This dictionary as souvenir for my first daughter FILZA RAHMA MUFLIHAH which born on 29 January 2003 . Thank you for my friend Dadang Budiana which have provided the source of dictionary.
Indonesian translation to English with source from one word and from several word. This dictionary as souvenir for my first daughter FILZA RAHMA MUFLIHAH which born on 29 January 2003 . Thank you for my friend Dadang Budiana which have provided the source of dictionary.
Moby Thesaurus is the largest and most comprehensive thesaurus data source in English available for commercial use. This second edition has been thoroughly revised adding more than 5,000 root words (to total more than 30,000) with an additional _million_ synonyms and related terms (to total more than 2.5 _million_ synonyms and related terms).
This concise English-Farsi (Persian) law dictionary contains almost 5000 words, phrases and abbreviations, including over 400 most practical Latin terms. Searching an item in this glossary often brings a list of terms and their meanings in the result box instead of a single matching entry. This list contains a group of human selected relevant terms to the searched item and the searched item itself but not necessarily at the top of the list. This feature will improve the user's vocabulary and writing skills by showing a group of interrelated terms in a single list together. For searching multiple words terms like phrases there is no need to type all the words completely, typing or clicking on just a single word - preferably the keyword - will culminate in the result.